Course Outline

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=\”Certificate Course on Competition Policy & Law\” font_container=\”tag:h2|font_size:20px|text_align:center|color:%23000000\” google_fonts=\”font_family:Lato%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal\”][vc_column_text]Module 1:
Markets and Competition
Unit 1: Introduction to Business Laws in India

Unit 2: Introduction to Economic Concepts

Unit 3: Introduction to Competition Law and Competition Policy

Module 2:
Evolution of Competition Law and Policy
Unit 1: Evolution of Competition Law & Policy: Global Experience

Unit 2: Introduction to Competition Law & Policy in India

Unit 3: Salient Features of Indian Competition Act

Module 3:
Substative Provisions of Indian Competition Act
Unit 1: Anticompetitive Agreements

Unit 2: Abuse of Dominance

Unit 3: Regulation of Combinations

Module 4:
Intellectual Property and New Age Markets
Unit 1: Intellectual Property and Competition Law Interface

Unit 2: Disruptive Technology and Competition Law

Unit 3: Compulsory Licensing and Parallel Imports

Module 1: Markets and Competition
This module provides an outlook of the economy in which the competition law operates. It introduces competition policy and concepts of competition law to the readers, while discussing in detail the effect of various business legislations and market structures on the competition processes.

Unit 1: Introduction to Business Laws in India
The first unit helps the participants to understand the business environment of India and appreciate the interaction between various laws governing business entities and the competition law.

Unit 2: Introduction to Economic Concepts
The second unit deals with the basic concepts of economics which are critical in understanding the market structure and behaviour of different market players in the economy.

Unit 3: Introduction to Competition Law and Competition Policy
The third unit introduces the participants to competition law and competition policy which will help them in analysing various issues coming under the domain.

Module 2: Evolution of Competition Law and Policy
This module will cover the evolution and emergence of competition law at global level and emergence of related regional frameworks. It will also cover the growth and changes related to competition law in emerging economies. Evolution of Indian competition law and its salient features will be dealt in detail.

Unit 1: Evolution of Competition Law and Policy: Global Experience
The first unit deals with the discussion on the evolution of competition law and policy globally. This unit will help the participants to understand the relative similarities and variations in the competition laws across the national or regional boundaries.

Unit 2: Introduction to Competition Law and Policy in India
The second unit discusses the paradigm shift from the earlier MRTP regime to current competition law regime in India. It will cover the reasons which led to this shift and will also highlight the steps being taken to adopt a competition policy framework in India

Unit 3: Salient Features of Indian Competition Act
The third unit will provide salient features of the Indian Competition Act 2002. Dealing with the administrative and organisational set up under the Act, it will help the participants to understand the working of the competition law and analysing substantive issues coming under the domain.

Module 3: Substantive Provisions of Indian Competition Act
This module seeks to achieve an understanding of the substantive provisions of the Competition Act, 2002. The three areas of abuse of dominance, anti – competitive agreements and regulation of combinations have been dealt in detail.

Unit 1: Anticompetitive Agreements
The first unit details the issue of anti-competitive agreements, Horizontal and Vertical types of anti-competitive agreements, effect of these agreements on competition and examples and case laws related to the different types of anti-competition agreements. The unit will also discuss standards of proof and tests for analysing the anticompetitive effects of anti-competitive agreements.

Unit 2: Abuse of Dominance
The second unit will help participants understand the provisions related to abuse of dominance in India. The unit holds a detailed discussion on meaning of ‘Dominant Position’, factors that are considered for determining ‘Dominance’ and what constitutes ‘Abuse of Dominance’. The discussions in the unit will also include the different forms of abuses by a dominant enterprise with related examples and case laws.

Unit 3: Regulation of Combinations
This unit will provide the salient features of the Indian Competition Act dealing with regulation of combinations. First discussing the types of combinations (mergers, amalgamation and acquisitions), the unit defines the need for regulation. The unit also compares the Indian scenario with international with respect to regulation of combinations. Provisions of the Competition Act 2002 with respect to determining ‘appreciable adverse effect on competition’ and the procedure for regulatory approvals from CCI are discussed in detail.

Module 4: Intellectual Property and New Age Markets
This module builds an understanding of the New Age Markets, Big Data, Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Compulsory Licensing. In this era of digital economy, it is essential to understand the competition concerns arising in this industry.

Unit 1: Intellectual Property and Competition Law Interface
The first unit discusses the issues with respect to the relationship between Competition Policy and IPRs, the treatment of IPRs under the Competition Law regimes. Indian Competition Law, namely, Competition Act, 2002 is analysed as to how it treats anti-competitive restraints and abuses of dominance arising out of exercise of IPRs.

Unit 2: Disruptive Technology and Competition Law
The second unit deals with Digital Regime, Big Data and Competition. This subject is surfacing in a big way (though recently in India) and the material available is not widespread but sparse, placing a constraint for this narrative to be comprehensive. This unit builds a narrative using the available research and some case laws covering a reasonable tapestry of the subject.

Unit 3: Compulsory Licensing and Parallel Imports
The third unit is germane to both Unit 1 and Unit 2. Compulsory Licensing (CL) is an integral part of IPR Laws in most jurisdictions. It impacts Competition in the market. Hence its relevance to the two aforesaid units. The subject is vast but this unit traverses the same very briefly to cover the Interface aspect.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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